About us


The Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Technology Department aspires to be a nationally and internationally recognized institute for excellence in the application of engineering principles to agricultural production and processing, natural resource management, environmental conservation, and rural technology development.


The Department of Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Technology’s mission is to enhance teaching, research, and extension aspects of Agricultural Engineering and Technology Development for the betterment of people.


  • To provide in-depth study of subjects offered within the core curriculum in order to nourish students’ academic and research intersects from the inception of their academic career.
  • To develop students’ intellectual capacity in order to improve cognitive and transferable skills that will provide a better knowledge base and skill in the field of Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Technology.
  • To provide students with real-world experience by conducting research in the industry.
  • To provide services to the industry, agricultural community and the general public through research, training and knowledge dissemination.
  • To expose students to practical and field training on farm machinery and equipment, land surveying and leveling, engineering drawing, soil and water engineering applications, and agro-climatology in order to enhance their knowledge and skills in the agricultural field.
  • To conduct a research project, and develop skills in report writing, management and presentation etc. for students.
  • To develop and analyze novel environmental technologies and concepts based on natural processes in order to recover and reuse key components and sustain and build a viable environment

At a glance

The Department of Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Technology is on of the pioneering departments of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna. The Department was formed in 1992 as a separate department with the objectives of providing necessary knowledge and skills to the BSc undergraduates. Primary focus was to provide engineering skills to the agriculture graduates from which they could confidently work on various agricultural production processes for their smooth running. The department of agricultural engineering provides sustainable engineering solutions to the prevailing demands in agricultural production and processing systems in both local and global context. The department propagates emerging engineering technologies in teaching, researches and extension services for effective utilization of natural resources in agricultural production and processing systems while curbing the negative impacts of human involvements into the environment.

During first five semesters of the BSc ARMT degree programme, undergraduates will study the course modules on major areas in Agricultural Engineering including agricultural machinery, soil and water engineering, postharvest technology, environmental engineering, precision agriculture, etc. in the sixth semester; undergraduates are facilitated to get hands on experiences on the above engineering themes. Undergraduates who opt to specialize in Agricultural Engineering can follow the advanced course modules in Agricultural Engineering during the sevenths semester followed by industrial training. Thereafter, they have to carry out research projects under the supervision of senior academics of the Faculty.

In 2012, department took a bold step to introduce the BSc Green Technology degree programme. The courses are related to major thematic areas of sustainable resource management, sustainable environmental design, sustainable environmental technology and sustainable energy are offered in first six semesters of this degree programme. The fourth year first semester is for the industrial training and other advanced courses such as disasters and green solutions, innovation and technology transfer, etc. Fourth year second semester is allocated for the research study where students will be able to get the on hand experience in interested research areas in the Faculty of Agriculture or outside institutions.

​The Department has further advanced the service for postgraduate students with MSc, MPhil, and PhD degree programs. The engineering workshop of the department has a unique record in southern for designing, testing and commercializing of agricultural machineries for the needs of the nation. Department has a well-equipped meteorological station with automated equipment for teaching and research activities. 

​The department conducts community awareness programmes for school teachers, students with updated knowledge. Farmer training in agriculture machinery and micro irrigation methods are also among the other community services.

​The Department has widened its capacity through several international collaborations for research and student exchange programs. The Department has annual exchange program for students with University of Kobe Japan, University of Bogor Indonesia and University of Naresuan Thailand. The exchange program with the University of Ryukyus is under research collaboration including four credit course offed by the department for MSc postgraduates of the Ryukyus for the course module of Tropical agriculture.

Head of the Department

Prof. G.Y. Jayasinghe

BSc Agric (Ruhuna) , MSc (Kelaniya), MSc (Japan), PhD (Japan)
