The joint Curricula, innovative and adaptive postgraduate program on tropical agroecosystem-based resilience developed by a consortium consisting of five local partner universities and four EU and UK universities will provide a unique opportunity for local and international students to gain much-needed exposure and training on building resilience in tropical agroecosystems. It will provide a platform for the latest teaching and learning opportunities along with high-impact research experiences from EU and UK partner universities.

The students will get the opportunity to be part of a field and practical based international master programme taught by local, EU and UK teaching staff with exposure to an international and multicultural educational environment. They will get exposure to European and the UK good practices (learning and teaching tools, methodologies and didactic approaches including learning outcomes and ICT-based practices) in agro-ecosystem education.

The programme will be accessible to a larger number of students both local and international as it will be offered via a MOOCs platform. Moreover, local students will be able to earn a qualification offered by an international consortium of partner universities while being in Sri Lanka.

The BRITAE Postgraduate Program will form the basis for using ecosystem-based approaches to develop novel strategies to adapting to rapid change and reduce risk to build resilience in food systems, which is the need of the hour. There is a strong need in the agriculture sector to adopt a more interdisciplinary approach to overcome climate change hazards to ensure food security through building sustainable and resilient agribusinesses. In this respect, well trained human resources on ecosystem-based principles and practices are indispensable as such this programme will help to bridge this gap and provide the much needed human resources for the industry.


  1. To describe linkages between agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystem management
  2. To comprehend and pursue avenues to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of tropical agro-ecosystems
  3. To apply ecosystem-based approaches to achieve sustainable development in tropical agro-ecosystem
  4. To use sustainable resource conservation technologies to enhance the productivity of agricultural systems and achieve the environmental trade-offs
  5. To examine the legal and policy framework of tropical agro-ecosystems
  6. To develop agro-ecosystem based entrepreneurial competencies
  7. To develop environmental adaptation and mitigation strategies with emphasis on risks and uncertainties
  8. To co-create adaptive and climate-resilient agricultural practices to enhance food production, and food and nutrition security
  9. To design and carry out research in building resilience in tropical agro-ecosystems

Learning Outcomes

PLO1: On successful completion of this programme learners should be able to comprehend linkages between agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystem management

PLO2: On successful completion of this programme learners should be able to examine approaches to sustainable use of tropical agro-ecosystems

PLO3: On successful completion of this programme learners should be able to integrate the social, environmental and economic relationships that contribute to sustainable development

PLO4: On successful completion of this programme learners should be able to apply resource conservation technologies to agro-ecosystem

PLO5: On successful completion of this programme learners should be able to evaluate legal and policy framework in relation to agro-ecosystems and resilience

PLO6: On successful completion of this programme learners should be able to apply entrepreneurial competencies to agro-ecosystem-based opportunities

PLO7: On successful completion of this programme learners should be able to formulate adaptation and mitigation strategies for the agro-Ecosystems.

PLO8: On successful completion of this programme learners should be able to collectively design and develop adaptive and climate resilience practices towards minimizing impacts on agroecosystems

PLO9: On successful completion of this programme learners should be able to research, innovate and practice towards an entrepreneurial initiative


Programme name


Number of credits

SLQF Level

Medium of Instructions

Master of Science in Building Resilience in Tropical Agro-Ecosystems

(by Dissertation) 2023/2024

2 Years


Level 10


Master of  Building Resilience in Tropical Agro-Ecosystems

(by Coursework) 2023/2024

1 Year


Level 9


PG Dip. in Building Resilience in Tropical Agro-Ecosystems


1 Year


Level 8


PG Cert. in Building Resilience in Tropical Agro-Ecosystems


6 Months


Level 7


For MSc:

  1. A Bachelor’s degree including 30 credits in the relevant subject area*, or
  2. A qualification of SLQF level 6 or above in the Agriculture/Science/Biological or Natural Science area of study,
    A professional qualification equivalent to SLQF level 6 or above (A qualification holder of a professional Institute in the Agriculture/Science/Biological or Natural Science area, Passed finalist of a professional institute in Agriculture/Science/Biological or Natural Science area)
  3. Completion of NVQ level 7 with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a scale of 0-4, as determined by the academic authority of HEI, may be considered for admission in that field of specialization.

Duration of service in the relevant employment- N/A

Click here to downlod application >>

The application fee of LKR. 2000 should be deposited to the main fund-collecting account of the University of Ruhuna in Peoples Bank (Please use the reference number 322242400000013 as the account number). Duly completed applications should be sent to the Deputy Registrar, Faculty of Graduate Studies, No 115, Sri Dharmarama Mawatha, Fort, Matara, along with the payment slip, before 10th of October 2023. “(relevant name of the applied course) Master of Science in Building Resilience and Tropical Agro-Ecosystems 2023/2024” should be mentioned in the top left corner of the envelope.



Other fee

MSc (Dissertation)

Rs 200,000.00

Application fee –Rs 2000.00

MSc (Coursework)

Postgraduate Diploma

Rs 150,000.00

Postgraduate Certificate

Rs 100,000.00


Please Contact

Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Ruhuna

Postgraduate Program Coordinator
Snr. Prof. G.Y. Jayasinghe

Coordinator / BRITAE Project
Head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Technology
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Ruhuna