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- Email (personal): mggawanthi@gmail.com
- Email (office): awanthi@agri.ruh.ac.lk
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Dr. M.G.G. Awanthi
Specialized Areas
• Awanthi, M. G. G., & Navaratne, C. M. (2018). Carbon Footprint of an Organization: a Tool for Monitoring Impacts on Global Warming. Procedia engineering, 212, 729-735
• Awanthi, M.G.G., Navaratne, S.B., Jinendra, B.M.S. and Navaratne, C.M. 2018. Effect of Rising Global Temperature on Dry Mass Loss of Stored Paddy, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(9), pp.2062-2067
• Awanthi, M.G.G., Navaratne, S.B., Jinendra, B.M.S. and Navaratne, C.M. 2017. Effect of Stored Time and Temperature on Milling Quality of Parboiled and Raw Rice of an Improved Inbred Variety, At 362 and a Traditional Variety, Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, 20 (2), pp.333-339.
• Gunadasa, H. L. C. K., Awanthi, M. G. G. and C. P. Rupasinghe. “”Utilization of Plant Based Waste Materials as Alternatives to Sand in Zeer Pot Refrigerator.””, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April, 2017, ISSN 2091-2730.
• Awanthi, M.G.G., Navaratne, S.B.,Jinendra, B.M.S. and Navaratne, C.M (Under review) Development of Universal model for the detection of Paddy Hardness Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Journal of food composition and Analysis
• Awanthi, M.G.G., Navaratne, S.B., Jinendra, B.M.S. and Navaratne, C.M 2019. Effect of Temperature and Packing Material on Germination Rate of Stored Paddy, International Research Conference in Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka
• Awanthi, M.G.G., Navaratne, S.B., Jinendra, B.M.S. and Navaratne, C.M. 2019. Effect of Global Warming on Dry Mass Loss of Paddy Stored in Gunny Bags, International Conference on capacity building for research and innovation in disaster resilience
• Awanthi, M.G.G., Navaratne, S.B., Jinendra, B.M.S. and Navaratne, C.M. 2018. Non- destructive and Rapid Detection of Paddy Hardness by Using Shortwave Near Infrared (SW- NIR) Spectroscopy, 15th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna.
• Siriwardhana L.T., Awanthi, M.G.G. and Rupasinghe, C.P., (2018). Enhancement of Cooling Effeciency in Zeer Pot Refrigerator Using Different design Structures, International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2018, Student Session, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna
• Awanthi, M.G.G. and Champa M Navaratne (2017) Assessment of Carbon Footprint of a School : A Case Study at Narandeniya National School in Sri Lanka, International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
• HKSR Sampath, CP Rupasinghe and MGG Awanthi, (2016) Design and Performance Evaluation of an Active Solar Dryer for Cinnamon quills, International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna
• Awanthi, M.G.G. Rathnaweera D.T.H.P, and Rupasinghe C.P. (2015) Estimation of Post Harvest Losses of Selective Market Chains in Sri Lanka, 12th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
• Awanthi, M.G.G. and Rupasinghe C.P. (2015) Effect of Passive Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) on Shelf-life Extension of Jackfruit (Artocarpusheterophyllus L.) Bulbs, 12th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
• Edirisinghe E.A.L.P, Pathmalal U.K.G.K, Champa M Navaratne and Awanthi, M.G.G. (2013) Soil and Water Quality issues in Abandoned Lands in Matara Divisional Secretariat Area, Symposium proceeding of The Water professionals’ day (October 01, 2013), water resources research in Sri Lanka
• Awanthi, M.G.G. and Champa M Navaratne (2011) Assessment of Carbon footprint per capita: a case study in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna. Eighth Academic Sessions, Department of Zoology, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
• Awanthi, M.G.G. and Champa M Navaratne (2010) Carbon footprint of an organization: a case study in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna. 15th International Forestry and Environment Symposium, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka