International Agricultural Programme (IAP)

The programme coordinates under the MOU signed between Graduate School of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus, Japan and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka since 2010.


  • Students and staff exchange

  • Sharing of knowledge, resources and experiences

  • Organization of seminars and symposia

  • Research collaboration


IAP is an educational training program which provides great opportunity for students to acquire advanced knowledge and skills from an international

Program is mainly focused on providing deep understanding and practical experiences to the students about related issues on tropical and subtropical agriculture (forestry, food, agriculture, environment and resources issues). Annually IAP is held as two sessions as follows;

Winter programme: Beginning of the year students and staff members of University of Ruhuna visit  University of the Ryukyus to participate in winter programme.

Summer programme: Around September, students and staff members of University of the Ryukyus visit University of Ruhuna to participate in summer programme which is coordinated by the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.

Memories of Winter Programme

Memories of Summer Programme