BRI (SECRA) Project

Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna is a partner of Strengthening University-Enterprise Collaboration for Resilient Communities in Asia (SECRA) project under the grant scheme of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Erasmus+) Capacity-Building projects in the field of Higher Education (E+CBHE) of the European Union.
The leading University of the project is Mid Sweden University, Sweden and twelve other partner universities including University of Sri Jayewardenepura and University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. From University of Ruhuna, Prof. Champa Navaratne acts as coordinator and Emeritus Professor K.D.N Weerasinghe acts as co-coordinator of SECRA project.  

During this period of time, SECRA team is working with work package 01 (Mapping the Collaborative Landscape) and conducting the document studies on collaborative frameworks, social network analyses and market analyses and mapping the institutional landscape at institution level.  

SECRA will contribute to the following regional priorities; University enterprise cooperation (such as support for students’ practical placement, entrepreneurship, employability of graduates), knowledge triangle, innovation (such as reinforcing links between education, research, and business) and definition, implementation, and monitoring of reform policies.  

At the end of the project, linkages among universities, enterprises and industries in Sri Lanka will be developed considering the experience and best practices of European universities.